Thursday, February 17, 2011


Zach went to the doctor today for his 6 month check up.  He weighed in at 17.8 lbs (50%) and was 28 inches long (89%).  He is tall and lean, which comes to a big surprise to me!!  I thought he was chunkier than that :)  Doctor said everything looks great!  The only thing we need to work on his cutting out his 2am feeding.  Time to cry it out :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

6 Months

Zach turned 6 months old on Thursday!!!  He is such a wonderful baby and brings us so much joy.  Zach loves to bounce in the johnny jumper, watch his brother, and suck his thumb.  He is rolling from his back to stomach, but still struggling rolling the other way.  He is getting stronger and stronger every day.  He is attempting to sit on his own, but often falls to the side.  Zach does not love being on his tummy, so crawling is not in the near future for us at all.  He has cut his bottom two teeth, which has caused him to wake in the middle of the night :(  This boy does NOT like to nap at all!!!  We are lucky if he gets 2 hours a day.  He is smiling and giggling a lot, except for strangers.  He does not like new faces and starts crying hysterically.  We just adore his big blue eyes and chubby cheeks (I think he looks like a cabbage patch doll).  He is definitely a different baby than Jake was; he always keeps us guessing.  We love you Zach, even when you wake us up in the middle of the night :)

Gotta Wear Shades

We are all experiencing spring fever!!!  Jake decided it was time to bust out the sunglasses and gave his little brother a pair to try on.  Zach looked so cool in his shades.

Hungry Man

Zach LOVES food.  He definitely prefers food over the bottle.  He eats with us at dinner and is always checking out Jake's food thinking it looks much better than his purees :)