Sunday, November 18, 2012

Christmas Parade

Last night we went to the West Chester Christmas parade.  It was at night so all the Christmas lights were on.  Zach was enjoying watching all the comotion.  He especially liked it when "Ho Ho" walked in the parade.  And he loves Candy Canes :)

Hot Lips

Nana & Papa sent the boys a Halloween package.  One of many treats were these Hot Lips suckers.  Zach wears them very well :)


Trick or Treat

Zach was an Ewok this year to go along with his brother's Darth Vader costume.  It was cold and rainy for trick or treat.  Zach was not very interested in wearing his Ewok hat, but loved Daddy's Bengals hat.  We went with a big group of boys; they were way too fast for Zach.  So Zach and Daddy took their time going to a couple houses.  Zach had a great time and was very polite to the people giving out candy :)

Groucho Marx